Dear Parents and Carers
I was delighted to be presented with our CyberFirst Silver award on Monday. Thank you to Tim Phillips and our IT curriculum and support teams for all of their hard work in gaining this award.

Sixth Form Open evening was a lovely opportunity to show off our amazing facilities last night and I hope will help our Year 11 and those visiting from other schools to make their decision regarding their next steps. Alongside the sessions during assemblies, Successful Lives, PSHRE lessons and Parent Information Advice and Guidance sessions, I hope that you and your young people are well informed but if you do have any questions or would like further guidance, please contact the Year 11 Team in the first instance.
It is Hello Yellow day next Tuesday at Hardenhuish which is an opportunity for us to come together to recognise World Mental Health Day (10 October 2024) and make the day that little bit brighter by accessorising our normal uniform with something yellow. It also serves as a reminder to us all to keep talking about our mental wellbeing.
A reminder that we break up for the October break at the end of the day on Wednesday 23rd October which means that next Friday will be the last Headlines of the term. Please do share any successes of your young people outside of school as this is a lovely way to celebrate and share in their success.
Lisa Percy
News Items

At Hardenhuish, we know that parents’ support is vital in achieving good progress and successful outcomes for pupils. To this end, 3 times a year for each year group we will send home a Progress Report to parents by email through Arbor. The timings of these reports are staggered throughout the year so the data we report on can be based on evidence of a range of assessments on the pupils and keep parents informed and updated regularly.
For Years 7 to 11, we use a 4 point colour coded scale to report on the following learning attributes; Behaviour, Classroom Effort, and Homework. The 4 point scale judges each of these categories as either ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’. Each report will have a description of what each judgement means for each attribute. Hopefully parents won’t get any unexpected surprises on these reports; we have directed staff that, if a child deserves an ‘inadequate’ judgement, they should have contacted parents beforehand to discuss this.
When there is sufficient assessment evidence to do so, we also report a current and expected grade. In Year 10 and 11, parents can compare these to a NI (national indicator grade), which is based on national statistical data of the grade pupils most often attain at the end of KS4 based on their prior attainment, and we also provide an AT (aspirational target) to show what they could achieve with the right application of learning attitudes. Key Stage 3 pupils will have a three grade target range to compare their attainment to. Our Key Stage 3 attainment grade criteria becomes progressively more challenging as a pupil moves from Year 7 to Year 8 and into Year 9. Therefore, attaining a Grade 5 in each year of KS3, for example, would show they are making expected progress. Each subject has designed Progress Maps to explain what pupils have to do in each year to achieve the different grades and these are available on the school’s website so parents can see them and support at home.
Once a year, one of these reports will also include written comments from a pupil’s tutor, Learning Manager and the Headteacher. You also will have a chance to discuss your child’s progress with each class teacher once a year in our Pupil Parent Consultation Evenings.
These Progress Reports are an important part of our assessment calendar as they provide teachers and Curriculum Leaders with data to identify early when a child may start underachieving; allowing them to put the appropriate support in place to address this. It also helps Learning Managers see where additional support and intervention may help pupils get back on track with behaviour and effort. Most importantly, they also allow the parents to consider what else they can do at home to support improvements where needed.
Hello Yellow!
Next Tuesday 15th October Hardenhuish will be celebrating Hello Yellow! This is a special day which raises awareness of mental health and aims to reduce any stigma around this area. For Hello Yellow day pupils in Years 7 – 11 will be able to wear a yellow accessory on top of their usual school uniform. There will be activities on at lunch including a photo booth and a post it note challenges. We will also be selling jewellery and offering facepainting (£1 for each).
Pupils have been learning about resilience over the last couple of weeks in assembly and we have shared strategies for ways to improve mental health. If any pupils are struggling with their mental health, there are a range of support options both within school and externally.

University of Cambridge Research Project

Dr James Underwood from the University of Cambridge and research assistant Thu Trang Nguyen came to work with Year 13 historians this week to investigate the work of Janusz Korczak, Polish teacher and founder of the ideas behind the UN’s Convention of the Rights of the Child. Korczak was Jewish and held in the Warsaw Ghetto during the 1940s. An educator and writer, he cared passionately about the rights and welfare of children. Refusing to leave the Warsaw ghetto when given an option to. He chose to remain as guardian to the children left in the ghetto after their parents had been sent to concentration camps. His work is renowned in Europe, with statues built in his honour. The project is part of research Dr Underwood is conducting looking at how UK school students interpret the work of Korczak and consider his legacy for the future of children worldwide.
Year 13 historians engaged in a high-level discussion on the life and quotes from Korczak’s work to share opinions based on the viability of his beliefs and what else could be done to shape the future rights of young people today. The research will be written up to a paper and presented at a conference in Poland and Cambridge later in the year.
Vocational Trip

The Year 11 and Year 10 Vocational students enjoyed visits to Whitehall Garden Centre this week. While there, they enjoyed a tour of the Garden Centre and the various departments, including the newly fitted Christmas areas. They met staff and learnt about the range of roles available and their recruitment processes, as well as the host of employability skills staff use and develop in their day-to-day duties. Thank you to Susanna Simpson, Operations Manager for your warm hospitality and for organising these visits, it was so valuable for the students.
U16 and U14 Area Netball Tournaments
Congratulations to all of the pupils who took part in the area tournaments this week. The effort shown and teamwork displayed was fantastic to see. All teams had some very tough games but didn’t give up and pushed themselves right up to the final whistle.
U16s – 3rd
U14 A Team– 5th
U14 B Team – 2nd

Year 8 pupil Molly McLean recently won gold in her age category at the Shukokai England Karate tournament. Congratulations Molly!

Competition season started last weekend which saw Year 8 pupil Isaac Wheadon competing for his local club, Corsham Orcas in 7 races. Isaac achieved personal bests in every race and was placed first in 6 of the races and 2nd in 1. Congratulations Isaac.
Vacancies – Hardenhuish School