Our Governors

The governing body of Hardenhuish School is made up of a combination of parents, past parents and community members.   

While the headteacher is responsible for the day to day running of the school it is the governing body which is responsible to government for the strategic direction and oversight of the school.  

This is set out by the government as:  

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction. 
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff. 
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure it’s money is well spent.

In addition, the board has a role to play in ensuring the school is compliant with educational and other legislation, such as safeguarding, equality and health and safety. 

If you would like to know more about the work of the governing body, please follow the link below to the Scheme of Delegation. 

Parents are welcome to stand for election when vacancies arise.  Anyone over 18 and not on the staff of the school can also join as a Community Governor. 

A skills audit is conducted each year to identify knowledge gaps on the board and we are always keen to hear from people with specific skills they can bring to the board such as legal, HR, finance, or accounting.  

If you would like to know more about becoming a governor or would like to contact any of the governors, then please contact the clerk to the board at clerktogovernors@hardenhuish.wilts.sch.uk. 

Chair of Governors
Kirsty Martin
Vice Chair of Governors
Nicola Wood
Lisa Percy

Community Governors
Claire Brown
Sheila Copeman
Trevor Eddolls
Isabelle Semichon
Spencer Shaw
Sophia Swatton
Phil Townsend
Viv Vines
Nicola Wood

Parent Governors
Neal Craig
Stephen Elsby
Sandra Gonzalez Caceres
Adam Lees
Paul Lortal
Andrew Wilson
Co-opted Staff Governor
Isabel Blackburn
John Cairns
Trevor Eddolls
Kirsty Martin
Michael Smyth
Clerk to Governors
Elaine Smith

Governor Information

Our Governing Body is based on a stakeholder model, with representatives of parents, co-opted staff, and the local community.  Governors are recruited for a four-year term on a skillset basis and/or through parental election. To view additional information about the Governors, please follow the attached links:

There are key governance related documents that must be made available to parents and to view these, please follow the links below :

Current Report:

Governing Body Report to Parents 2022 23

Previous Years Reports:

Governing Body Report to Parents 2021 22

Governing Body Report to Parents 2020 21

Governor Code of Conduct and Scheme of Delegation

As governors we follow a code of conduct based on the Nolan Principles and ethical considerations, to view the document, please select the link below:

Scheme of Delegation 2024 25

Governor Business and Pecuniary Interests

We manage personal relationships with related parties to avoid both real and perceived conflicts of interest, promoting integrity and openness.

Please find below our most recent register of interests for the governing body:

Governor Business & Pecuniary Interests December 2022

Business & Pecuniary Interests Register December 2023

Governor Attendance 2023 – 2024

Governor Information

Hardenhuish Governor Information 2024 25

Annual Reports and Accounts – Hardenhuish School