Dear Parents and Carers
A massive well done to Year 8 for how well they have managed their exams. I look forward to hearing all about how well they have done. We welcome the “I can, I am” bus next week to provide them with an opportunity to reflect on how they have managed the stresses of exams and how they can continue to build their resilience moving forwards.
I hope that Year 9 parents found KS4 Options Evening useful last night. It was lovely to see so many young people there who have clearly been taking advantage of all of the opportunities to find out about the various GCSE subjects to ensure that they make informed choices for their options. If you do have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the Year 9 Office in the first instance for further help and support ahead of the deadline for submitting forms on 7 February.
I have received a lovely thank you from Doorway who we supported with our fundraising at the Carol Concert before Christmas:
Thank you for thinking of our guests, particularly at this extra challenging time of year for them, it is always very much appreciated.
Although the ground floor of our building is likely to be out of action for some months to come we are continuing to provide as much of our service as possible in both the upstairs and the Rotary Hall. It’s been lovely to have felt the continued support of the local community behind us.
It is so positive to know that the amazing talents of our young people and the generosity of our community have helped to support people in our community.
Have a good weekend.
Lisa Percy
News Items
Focus on … Sports Leaders

Whilst all pupils are encouraged to take on leadership roles within their PE lessons we are pleased to offer a wider range of leadership roles as well.
Year 8 Sports Ambassadors – pupils complete a training session at the start of the year and support the PE department. This year we have approximately 70 Sports Ambassadors!
Year 9 Sports Leaders – pupils opt to complete a level 1 leadership qualification during curriculum time. This will involve them learning about leadership skills and planning and leading sessions for their peers.
Both roles may be asked to represent Hardenhuish at primary events run by the Chippenham Sports Partnership.
Year 10 YST – pupils complete a Youth Sport Trust award where they also learn more about how to plan and lead sports sessions.
Year 12 Sports Leaders – students can choose to complete a Level 3 Sports Leaders qualification which results in UCAS points. These students also support at primary events.
The Chippenham Sports Partnership is made up of a member of staff from Hardenhuish, Abbeyfield and Sheldon who run primary events ranging from multi skills to netball festivals or Easter Egg hunts! Our pupils are encouraged to step out of their comfort zone and taking on these roles really improves their communication, organisational and teamwork skills. It is always lovely to observe young leaders develop their confidence which can lead to improved self-esteem and see the way that our more experienced leaders support and nurture the younger ones who are starting their own leadership journey. We always receive lovely comments from visiting staff about the enthusiasm and energy shown by all of our leaders. We are incredibly proud of what they have achieved as a team and for the sporting experiences they provide to many local primary pupils.

Year 11 Health and Social Care students enjoyed a visit from Will Lawton, a musician and singer-songwriter and a qualified Music Therapist this week, they learnt about how Music Therapy works and can benefit people of all ages. They were also treated to a personal performance of some of his music. Thank you so much for your time Will, the students really enjoyed the time you spent with them and this will prove invaluable for their Creative and Therapeutic coursework.
Year 7 & 8 Homework Club
The Year 7 and 8 Homework Club commenced this term and runs every Tuesday in M6 from 3-4pm. Year 7 & 8 pupils are strongly encouraged to attend for some quiet time to complete work, or to receive assistance with homework. Parents can provide consent on Arbor.
The Rise Trust

Year 10 health and Social Care students have enjoyed a visit from Youth workers, Nicky and Breanna, from The Rise Trust this week, to learn about how they embed person-centred values into their work and the range of support they offer for young people within Chippenham and the surrounding areas. This also gave them the opportunity to find out about volunteering opportunities and what led Nicky and Breanna to become Youth Workers and the training they undertook.
Thank you Nicky and Breanna, this is so valuable for their coursework and the exam unit!
A reminder that pupils may wear a watch and a single small stud or sleeper in one or both ears. Other piercings and jewellery are not acceptable.
Sleeper earrings must be small and sit close to the ear, as shown in the example below. Larger hoops that leave a gap between the ear and the earring are not permitted.

Lost Property
Please see below for a list of lost property currently held. Any items unclaimed by the middle of term 4 will be disposed of / donated to charity.
Lost Property Log January 2025