Dear Parents
Hello Yellow Day on Wednesday was a fantastic show of unity by staff and young people across the school to our continued focus on and support of mental health. Thank you to all those involved in making the day such a success especially Mrs Barton and our Sixth Form Ambassadors who contributed so much!

It was a delight to welcome Bob Alderman, previous Headteacher to Hardenhuish this week. His daughter Louise has very kindly donated a saxophone, flute, treble recorder and a huge amount of sheet music to the music department. We are very grateful to Louise and look forward to these amazing additions to our music department being put to good use. Bob was interested to hear about the latest news in the world of education and as always shared some wonderful recollections and photographs from his time here as Head.

I really enjoyed dropping in to the Young Carers Art workshop yesterday and seeing the fantastic friendship circle art and pins they had produced. Thank you to Mrs Bush, Mrs Silverton and Mrs McCarthy for their support of our young carers and congratulations to them for being accredited with the Young Carer Friendly Award.
Please can I remind parents that the Bus Park is for buses only and should not be used to drop-off or pick-up young people at the beginning or end of the day. Please use the drop-off zone, keeping to allocated parking areas and ensuring the safety of our young people. Please also consider using Lidl car park and Yewstock as alternative drop-off and pick-up points.
I hope that you found Tutor check-in last night useful to discuss how the beginning of the year has gone for your young person. I would like to say thank you to all of our tutors for the amazing support they provide our young people and the care they show on a daily basis.
A reminder that we finish for the October break at 3pm next Wednesday 18 October and as a result we will publish Headlines on Wednesday next week.
Have a restful weekend.
Lisa Percy
Focus on ….Progress Checks and Reports
At Hardenhuish, we know that parents’ support is vital in achieving good progress and successful outcomes for pupils. To this end, 3 times a year for each year group we will send home a Progress Report to parents by email through Arbor. The timings of these reports are staggered throughout the year so the data we report on can be based on evidence of a range of assessments on the pupils and keep parents informed and updated regularly.
We use a 4 point colour coded scale to report on the following learning attributes; Behaviour, Classroom Effort, Equipped to Learn and Homework. The 4 point scale judges each of these categories as either ‘Outstanding’, ‘Good’, ‘Requires Improvement’ or ‘Inadequate’. Each report will have a description of what each judgement means for each attribute. Hopefully parents won’t get any unexpected surprises on these reports; we have directed staff that, if a child deserves an ‘inadequate’ judgement, they should have contacted parents beforehand to discuss this.
When there is sufficient assessment evidence to do so, we also report a current and expected grade. In Year 10 and 11, parents can compare these to a NI (national indicator grade), which is based on national statistical data of the grade pupils most often attain at the end of KS4 based on their prior attainment, and we also provide an AT (aspirational target) to show what they could achieve with the right application of learning attitudes. Key Stage 3 pupils will have a three grade target range to compare their attainment to. Our Key Stage 3 attainment grade criteria becomes progressively more challenging as a pupil moves from Year 7 to Year 8 and into Year 9. Therefore, attaining a Grade 5 in each year of KS3, for example, would show they are making expected progress. Each subject has designed Progress Maps to explain what pupils have to do in each year to achieve the different grades and these are available on the school’s websites so parents can see them and support at home.
Once a year, one of these reports will also include written comments from a pupil’s tutor, Learning Manager and the Headteacher. You also will have a chance to discuss your child’s progress with each class teacher once a year in our Pupil Parent Consultation Evenings.
These Progress Reports are an important part of our assessment calendar as they provide teachers and Curriculum Leaders with data to identify early when a child may start underachieving; allowing them to put the appropriate support in place to address this. It also helps Learning Managers see where additional support and intervention may help pupils get back on track. Most importantly, they allow the parents to consider what else they can do at home to support improvements where needed.
Changes to Punctuality Protocols
Punctuality to school and lessons is essential for maximising learning time, and from Monday 30th October we are introducing new protocols for punctuality. A letter has been sent to parents regarding these changes, and pupils are being made aware of the changes in Assembly and Tutor times. Please take this opportunity to talk to your child regarding these changes and the importance of being punctual to school and lessons. Thank you in advance for your support with these changes.
Kirkland Rowell Parent Survey
Following the Kirkland Rowell Parent Survey last year and as part of our drive for continuous improvement, we are planning to hold a parent focus group meeting with a particular focus on safeguarding and the safety of our young people. The meeting will take place on Monday 16th October at 4.30pm here at school. If you are interested in becoming part of this group or have further thoughts to share on this topic, then please let me know by sending an email to Many thanks, Jo Glossop (Deputy Headteacher|Designated Safeguarding Lead).
Hello Yellow 2023

Once again Hardenhuish tried to turn the school as yellow as possible to celebrate Hello Yellow Day in association with Young Minds. This day is important for raising awareness of mental health and trying to reduce any stigma pupils might feel if they are struggling. Leading up to the day pupils had assemblies and tutor work to provide them with information and strategies about how they can look after their mental health.
On Tuesday pupils joined in the fun at lunchtime by having a go in our ‘photo booth’, completing a post it note challenge, having their face painted or browsing the jewellery sale. There was a lovely atmosphere as pupils from all year groups came together as a school community to help share the message that mental health is important and that it is ok, not to be ok.
If your child is struggling with their mental health then we have lots of support on offer in school. There is a poster in each tutor base outlining some of this provision.
Dyson Engineers Inspire Future Innovators at Hardenhuish School with Air Purification Workshop

Recently, Hardenhuish School had the privilege of hosting engineers from Dyson, a pioneer in innovative household appliances. Made possible by the James Dyson Foundation, the engineers conducted a captivating workshop on air pollution and purification, engaging with Year 10 GCSE design and technology students. The event was designed to educate and inspire the young minds about the significance of air purification in our living spaces and the environment.
The morning kicked off with an informative talk by Dyson engineers, shedding light on Dyson’s cutting-edge products and emphasizing the crucial role of air purification in ensuring clean and healthy surroundings. The students were given insights into the advanced technology employed in Dyson’s air purification solutions.
In the second half of the workshop, the students were divided into groups and given the exciting task of designing, prototyping, and presenting their concepts for air purification products. Armed with Dyson parts and additional resources like cardboard and tape for modelling, the students were encouraged to unleash their creativity and innovative spirit. The engineers provided guidance and mentorship, fuelling the students’ passion for design and technology.
Such initiatives, bringing industry experts and budding talents together, are pivotal in fostering a culture of innovation and sustainability, and The James Dyson Foundation’s commitment to nurturing young innovators is undoubtedly a step towards a brighter and cleaner tomorrow. We are very grateful to have had them working with our young people last week and look forwards to future projects with their team.
Find out more about The James Dyson Foundation here:
Resource Centre news

We’ve already had over 1000 loans so far this term so it has certainly been a busy few weeks here, with lots of new Year 7s using the library facilities brilliantly and plenty of the older year groups continuing to do so as well.
Year 7s and 8s have all had the chance to choose their free Bookbuzz book for 2023 during recent library lessons – this order has now been placed and the books will arrive during the second half of November. ‘Dread Wood’, the horror novel by Jennifer Killick, proved the most popular selection with over 30% of pupils choosing this book.
Our Hardenhuish Book Group met for the second time today to discuss their thoughts on our term 1 choices, which were all classed as ‘old favourites’: books that have been incredibly popular with the group in recent years. The ‘Heartstopper’ series, Sophie Anderson collection and the dystopian ‘Knife of Never Letting Go’ continued to be a real hit with Years 7 and 8 this term, while ‘The House in the Cerulean Sea’ also won several new fans amongst our older readers. If you missed out on Book Group this term, we’ll be meeting again during lunchtime on the first Friday back (November 3rd) with a brand-new set of titles to try on a different theme.
We continue to add lots of new books each month and this time of year in particular always sees plenty of big titles published in the lead-up to Christmas. Recent additions include the latest in the Karen McManus series ‘One Of Us Is Back’, another Alex Rider novel entitled ‘Nightshade Revenge’ and our very own Mr Palmer’s second novel ‘Play’. Other new term 1 titles can be seen in the photos below and there will be lots more to come as we head towards November including a range of exciting new Manga titles very soon.
Enjoy your half-term reading!
Mr Southwood
Young Carers Support Day

As part of Hardenhuish Schools’ ongoing commitment to and recognition of the valuable work of our Young Carers, 20 Key Stage 3 pupils were invited to a whole day of art and craft activities. The theme was” Friendship Circles “and pupils created stunning acrylic circular designs for a mural using vibrant colours and patterns. Pupils also enjoyed making intricate friendship bead brooches and pompoms. They were brilliantly supported by our Young Carers Ambassador, Kelsie who as usual went above and beyond to help our Young Carers and made them feel welcome.
When asked, Amy, a Year 7 pupil ,said “It was a really great and inclusive experience as no matter what your skill level was there was something everyone could do”. She went on to say that “It gave my brain a break from what I normally think about!”.
Henry, another highly motivated and enthusiastic Year 7 pupil reflected “I think that the role of a Young Carer is underestimated, so the opportunity to connect with other pupils who have similar experiences was fantastic and amazing fun! I really enjoyed my day!”
Pupils chatted happily as they shared yummy donuts at break and a buffet lunch with pizza by popular request!
There is a Young Carer Drop in Session every Tuesday lunchtime in C9 where pupils can come along with their lunch for a get together, art activities, an opportunity to catch up homework or just have downtime and a chat. All welcome.
Mrs Bush
U16 District Netball Tournament
On Wednesday 4th October the U16 Netball Squad travelled across the field to Sheldon to compete in the U16 North Wiltshire Netball Tournament.
The squad was made up of Sophie Vaughan, Fran Fowler, Libby Cross, Hope Milsom, Evie McQuillan, Verity Griffiths, Aurora Watkins and Lily Shuker, all players demonstrated outstanding netball skills.
The match results were:
Won 10-2 against Abbeyfield
Lost 7-8 against Sheldon
Lost 4-7 against Stonar
Won 13-1 against Corsham
Looking forward to a few more fixtures in term 2.
Mrs Place
Berkshire and Wiltshire Cross-country Cup

On Wednesday 11th October the Huish XC squad travelled to Reading Rugby Club to compete in the Berkshire and Wiltshire Cross-country Cup. 18 schools from Berkshire and Wiltshire competed for a place in the Southwest XC Cup in Taunton on 11th November.
The age groups were Juniors – years 7 and 8, Inters 9 and 10, Seniors 11, 12 and 13.
Junior girls – 2.5km, Junior boys – 2.5km, Inter girls – 2.5km, Inter boys – 4.4km, Senior girls – 3.4km, Senior boys – 5.1km
The results were:
Junior girls – Sophie 6th, Nellie 47th, Kaitlin 53rd, Eleanor 57th, Jasmine 59th, Amelia 60th
Junior boys – Hugo 22nd, Will 26th, Gilean 30th, Reuben 33rd, James 45th, Isaac 49th
Inter boys – Tobi 1st, Dan P 5th, Will 8th, Charles 12th, Dan C 21st, Louis 23rd
Inter girls – Louisa 13th, Scarlett 32nd, Hermione 37th, Daisy 48th, Sofia 49th
Senior boys – Henri 1st, Ryan 3rd, Selby 5th, Kieran 7th, Joe 8th, Dan 11th
Senior girls – Amelia C 12th , Lauren 18th, Amelia N 22nd
Team positions were:
Junior boys – 7th
Junior girls – 9th
Inter boys – 2nd
Inter girls – 8th
Senior boys – 1st
Senior girls – 5th
Well done to all the athletes that ran on Wednesday, the standard at this competition was incredibly high and fast paced.
Huge congratulations to the Inter and Senior boys who finished on the podium and have qualified for the Southwest Cup, this is a fantastic achievement.
The North Wiltshire Schools Cross-country championships is on Thursday 16th November at Beversbrook, Calne
What a great start to the 23-24 cross-country season.
Mrs Place
School Calendar